spellchecking again


Sebastian Kress

Hey there,

with the help of some guys here, I managed to create an automated list
of spelling errors in word documents.

I used the following code:


Sub ListSpellingErrors()

Dim lngSpellErrCnt As Long, n As Long, FFile As Integer
lngSpellErrCnt = ActiveDocument.SpellingErrors.Count

FFile = FreeFile 'DateiHandle
Open "C:\SpellErr.txt" For Output As #FFile
For n = 1 To lngSpellErrCnt
Print #FFile, ActiveDocument.SpellingErrors(n).Text
Application.StatusBar = n & " / " & lngSpellErrCnt & " Fehler
Close #FFile

End Sub


It works quite ok, actually, but it's unbelievably slow. Can anyone tell
me why?


Word Heretic

G'day Sebastian Kress <[email protected]>,

The big killer here is your status display because of the string
concats. Add to that I/O is the slowest aspect of any program and you
have your answer.

To speed it up:

1) only show the status bar every 10 repetitions

2) output to a temp document and then save the document as text. No
I/O until the end

Dim Report as Document
Dim Source as Document
Dim InsertPoint as Range

Set Source=ActiveDocument
Set Report=Documents.Add
Set InsertPoint = Report.Content

then instead of
Print #FFile, ActiveDocument.SpellingErrors(n).Text


InsertPoint.InsertAfter Source.SpellingErrors(n).Text


Report.SaveAs "<your filename>",wdFormatText

I cover standard VBA optimisations in my Word VBA Beginner's
Spellbook, available from my site.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic Sydney Australia
Word eTutor

steve from wordheretic.com (Email replies require payment)

Sebastian Kress reckoned:

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