Hi Lungi,
Spelling nd grammar check does not work properly on a
merged document. Word does not seem to recognise speliing
Yes, that's correct. By default, the results of a mail merge
are formatted as "no proofing".
Try this:
1. Create a new CHARACTER style in your document and make
sure it is set to use the language you prefer
2. Alt+F9 to view the field codes
3. Select a field where you want spell check to work and
press Ctrl+F9. This inserts { } around the selection
4. Type QUOTE just inside the { opening bracket
5. Type \* CharFormat just inside the closing bracket }
6. Apply the character style to the QUOTE field's content
Repeat 2 - 6 for all fields you want to spell check. Alt+F9
again to hide the field codes. Example:
{ QUOTE { Mergefield Comments } \* CharFormat }
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jan
24 2003)
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