How many misspelled words must there be for MS Word to automatically check
mark Hide Spelling Errors in Document on it's own?
We have this happen a lot because we do not have a pharmaceutical and
chemical dictionary added so there are lots of spelling errors in some of our
documents and it just out of no where, check marks to hide the spelling
errors. It also prompts us that there are too many errors to spell check.
This amazing me. There should be no limit.
Is there a way to stop this? And does anyone have any recommendations on
pharmaceutical/chemical and/or bio dictionaries as an add on? Thanks all.
mark Hide Spelling Errors in Document on it's own?
We have this happen a lot because we do not have a pharmaceutical and
chemical dictionary added so there are lots of spelling errors in some of our
documents and it just out of no where, check marks to hide the spelling
errors. It also prompts us that there are too many errors to spell check.
This amazing me. There should be no limit.
Is there a way to stop this? And does anyone have any recommendations on
pharmaceutical/chemical and/or bio dictionaries as an add on? Thanks all.