What were these vegetables on when they sacked the v5 developers?
To tell you the truth, I spell check by hand with a real dictionary.
Spelling checking is close to utterly useless in Office.
Is there a spell checking utility in the whole universe that will tell
you when you should use discrete or discreet? Compliment or complement?
From the built-in "Define" in Entourage and Word:
dis·crete adj
1. completely separate and unconnected
2. used to describe elements or variables that are distinct, unrelated,
and have a finite number of values
dis·creet adj
1. careful to avoid embarrassing or upsetting others
2. careful not to speak about anything that should be secret or
3. subtle and circumspect, ensuring that no undue attention is attracted
4. modest, and not ostentatious or flashy
com·pli·ment n
1. something said to express praise and approval
2. something done to show respect and honor
3. com·pli·ments expressions of respect and good wishes
1. to say something that expresses praise and approval to somebody
2. to give somebody a gift as a sign of respect or affection
3. to congratulate somebody
com·ple·ment n
1. something that completes or perfects something else
2. either of two things that form a unit
3. a quantity of things or people that is considered complete
4. the predicate part of a sentence that refers to the subject, not
counting the verb
5. the elements of a set that are not included in a particular subset of
that set
6. See complementary angle
7. a set of proteins in the bloodstream that, together with antibodies,
recognize and attack foreign cells such as bacteria
8. an interval that, when added to a given interval, equals an octave
to complete, perfect, or accompany something else pleasingly
Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights
reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
That seems more than adequate to me, if not quite the Oxford English
Judging by what you see in print, the answer would seem to be NO!.
It seems that some people don't bother to use the tools provided, not that
the tools aren't there.
And don't get me started on grammar checking!
OK, I won't. ;-)