15" AL Powerbook 1.5 GHz, 1 Gb ram (Apple on 1 chip), OSX10.4.4 and
OSX10.4.5, 80Gb hard drive (with 16 (mon) or 19 Gb (Wed) free)
I've had this problem for 3 days. After using my computer most of the
day (successfully) Monday to type a paper (with Endnote 8.0 references
added), I was able to type about 7 words, and then the SBBOD came up.
I checked Activitiy Monitor, which said that Word was taking up over
95% of my CPU. I do notice that my computer is getting really hot when
this happens. I'm not able to use word at all, but excel, powerpoint
and entourage are fine.
Here's what I've done:
1. Tried trashing the word plist and repairing permissions. No help on
Monday. Gave up and went to bed.
2. Everything worked fine on Tuesday.
3. On Wednesday, started up my computer, and same problem. (also with
hot computer)
4. Repaired permissions (nothing unusual) Upgraded to OSX10.4.5,
repaired permissions (nothing unusual), uninstalled Office,
re-installed office.
5. Worked for a little while, then the problem started up again.
6. Computer getting hot again.
thanks for your help
15" AL Powerbook 1.5 GHz, 1 Gb ram (Apple on 1 chip), OSX10.4.4 and
OSX10.4.5, 80Gb hard drive (with 16 (mon) or 19 Gb (Wed) free)
I've had this problem for 3 days. After using my computer most of the
day (successfully) Monday to type a paper (with Endnote 8.0 references
added), I was able to type about 7 words, and then the SBBOD came up.
I checked Activitiy Monitor, which said that Word was taking up over
95% of my CPU. I do notice that my computer is getting really hot when
this happens. I'm not able to use word at all, but excel, powerpoint
and entourage are fine.
Here's what I've done:
1. Tried trashing the word plist and repairing permissions. No help on
Monday. Gave up and went to bed.
2. Everything worked fine on Tuesday.
3. On Wednesday, started up my computer, and same problem. (also with
hot computer)
4. Repaired permissions (nothing unusual) Upgraded to OSX10.4.5,
repaired permissions (nothing unusual), uninstalled Office,
re-installed office.
5. Worked for a little while, then the problem started up again.
6. Computer getting hot again.
thanks for your help