splash page



Have web site. Want to ad a splash page with slideshow and only an enter
link. Can I add a page in front of my homepage? How? Can I remove the
linkbar and page banners, footers from only one page and just add a hyperlink
to the old homepage? How do I make sure the splash page comes up first?

Tom [Pepper] Willett

Use the splash page to replace your current home page. Then, change the
file name of your existing home page to something else, and link the splash
page to it.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
"You're a daisy if you do!"
FrontPage Support:
: Have web site. Want to ad a splash page with slideshow and only an enter
: link. Can I add a page in front of my homepage? How? Can I remove the
: linkbar and page banners, footers from only one page and just add a
: to the old homepage? How do I make sure the splash page comes up first?


How do you prevent the linkbars from being in the new page but still in the
existing pages?

Thomas A. Rowe

You have to be able to create subweb / subsite under your root web, where you would publish your
current web content to the subweb, then in the root web create a new home page with a link to the
home page in the subweb.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


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