Splash Screen




I am using Word XP.

I have a procedure which creates many new documents for my
user - when the procedure is running the user can see the
screen flashing while the document are opening, text being
entered, next document being created etc..

I would like to have a splash screen to cover the screen
saying "Please wait your documents are being created..."

I have read a few splash screen articles and thought that
to have the userform/splash screen showing for a set
amount of milliseconds would not be beneficial as there is
no way to tell how long the procedure will take. I would
like the splash screen to show at the start of the
procedure and hide at the end.

At the start of my document creation procedure I show the

The splash form has this code on the activate event:-

Dim FormClosed As Boolean

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
FormClosed = False
Dim StartTime As Single
StartTime = Timer
Do While Timer < StartTime + 5
If FormClosed Then Exit Sub
Unload Me
End Sub

at the end of my document creation procedure I have

End Sub

the problem is that the splashform will not stay in front
without having the focus, it interrupts the main procedure
of inserting text and create documents etc.

I have tried:-
splashform.show (this waits until I click the form then
hides the form and starts the procedure)

splashform.show vbmodeless (this will not show the form

I am stuck now on what to do I really need to hide the
screen from my users as documents flashing and updating in
the background with no warning doesn't look terribly
professional. I would really appreciate your help.

Thanks so much.


Steve Lang

Hi Mary,

Couple of things that will keep the screen clutter to a minimum:

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

and you can minimize the windows as they are created, that way they won't
appear to take the focus from a form that you are displaying.

HTH and have a great day!


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