split a container?


Pete Ferrand

If I have, say, two paragraphs in one text container in OneNote sp-1 and I
want them in two containers, is there some reasonable way to do this? Makes
moving them easier.

They made it real easy to merge text into a single container, but I see
nothing on how to divide it back up again.

Yes I know can control-X the paragraph and then paste it elsewhere but
that's cumbersome indeed.


Chris Hedlund

Yes - just select the text you want to put in the new container and drag it
out of the first container to another area on the page. OneNote will 'tear'
the text out of the container and put it in another container.


Chris Hedlund

Pete Ferrand

OneNote will 'tear' the text out of the container and put it in another

Wow, thanks, that was fast...and useful. It works perfectly.

I do think something like, say, a right click menu option to split the
container at that spot would come in handy.

Thanks again.

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