split data



I receive these automated reports daily in Microsoft Outlook. I bring them
into Microsoft Access and a single field is created. What I need to do is
somehow parse the data so I see each of the 6-digit numbers that begin with 3
and associate each of the 6-digit numbers to the date listed at the top of
the report. My example report is far below and what I want the result to
look like is just below -

313221 10/7/08
313222 10/7/08
313223 10/7/08
313224 10/7/08
313225 10/7/08


Date : 10-07-08 [23:11]
Page : 1

Company : 730
ProjNr.| Date | Description | Created By |Project Manager
| Address
313223 | 10-07-08| |fretyed |PAT |ATLANTA, GA
--- --- --- --- -313224 | 10-07-08| |dwal
313225 | 10-07-08| |dwal |PAT |ATLANTA, GA
| 10-07-08| |dwalker | |NEW YORK, NY 10019
313222 | 10-07-08| |dwal | |CAMBRIDGE, MA 02141

John W. Vinson

I receive these automated reports daily in Microsoft Outlook. I bring them
into Microsoft Access and a single field is created. What I need to do is
somehow parse the data so I see each of the 6-digit numbers that begin with 3
and associate each of the 6-digit numbers to the date listed at the top of
the report. My example report is far below and what I want the result to
look like is just below -

313221 10/7/08
313222 10/7/08
313223 10/7/08
313224 10/7/08
313225 10/7/08

I'm sorry, this is making no sense to me. You have five different six-digit
numbers each associated with the same date. What is the source of the
information in your report? How do the numbers relate to the dates, or to the
data in the report???


1. The original source of the data is Reflection for UNIX and Digital Version
2. Each night a report is generated and sent as an email to my outlook
3. I take this data from outlook and import it into Access but when I do,
each report is treated as one cell.
4. The only information that is important to me is the date of the report
and the 6-digit numbers beginning with 3 that appear on each report. What I
need to be able to do in the future is run a query and see every 6-digit
number beginning with 3, and the date of the report it appeared on.

....I know this is hard to visualize.

Thanks in advance,

John W. Vinson

1. The original source of the data is Reflection for UNIX and Digital Version
2. Each night a report is generated and sent as an email to my outlook
3. I take this data from outlook and import it into Access but when I do,
each report is treated as one cell.
4. The only information that is important to me is the date of the report
and the 6-digit numbers beginning with 3 that appear on each report. What I
need to be able to do in the future is run a query and see every 6-digit
number beginning with 3, and the date of the report it appeared on.

If you're getting the data all in one (memo??) field, you'll need to write VBA
code to step through it and parse out the numbers. This would probably use the
Split() function to split it into rows, and then InStr() to find the blank...
I'm afraid it's a bit more code than I'm up for dashing off this afternoon

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