Split Database Access over Network?

  • Thread starter Roger Tregelles
  • Start date

Roger Tregelles

Hi Folks,

I just took an existing database from another department and split it for
them so that everyone in their department can have access to this database
simultaneously. The backend is on a network drive with restricted privileges
depending on what department you belong to. Everyone is this department has
both read and write privileges to this network drive and I have had no
problems installing the frontend locally on their systems and then linking to
the backend through the linked table manager. The problem comes when others
outside of their department try to access the database. When you start up the
frontend you get the error message, “Could not use; file already in useâ€. Is
this because you need both read and write privileges to the drive with the
backend? I told them if I created a secure database with a workgroup and
assigned user levels I could get around this, but this would be a much bigger
project. Any ideas, suggestions or insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Roger Tregelles
Quality Assurance Engineer
Respironics Inc.

Allen Browne

Yes. That message can be triggered by attaching to a share that does not
have adequate privliges.

While the workgroup security thing does involve a bit extra work, it's not
huge, and sounds like the best solution for your needs.

Roger Tregelles

Thanks so much to Allen and Joseph for your quick and concise replies. I am
going to pursue the secured database option with a defined workgroup with
some user groups (those without read and write privileges to this network
drive) only having read access to the database to eliminate this problem.
Thanks again, you guys are the best! Take care everyone. :)

Roger Tregelles
Quality Assurance Engineer
Respironics Inc.

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