Split Database




I have asked this question before in another group but am still not
achieving the result I want. Here is the situation: I developed a database -
using a form to enter info into a single table and storing the database on a
shared network drive. Everything has been working fine over the last 3 months
until more users needed access to the database. Each time one needed to save
a record, the other had to log off. Then, I discovered that several user
could enter info into the database simultaneously by splitting it. I used the
wizard to split the database and since, have had problems. First, I could not
find the front end (what is the front end?). I can only see a part of the
database renamed by the wizard with a -be.mdb ext. I reasoned that the other
part of the database after the split with the .mdb ext was the front end. I
copied that part to individual desktops thing that the -be.mdb portion which
remained on the share drive would be the place where all the data entered
into the forms will end up. However, that is not the case. The front end that
was installed on the individual desptop contain the same table as a result,
nothing is going to the be end on the share drive. Sorry for the lenghty
explanation but I just wanted to give as much information about the problem
as possible.

My questions is what do I have to do to ensure that all users are storing
the data entered into the form into the same table? The wizard made it seem
simple enough but I am not achieving the expected result.


Jeff Boyce


The standard design for a "split" database is:

* one copy of the front-end on each PC using the system
* a single back-end file that holds only data ... this is on the shared

One way to achieve this is to take the original (combining both tables and
all other objects) and make two copies. In one copy, remove everything but
the tables ... this is now your "back-end". Place it on the network.

In the other copy, remove only the tables. Then use <File | Get External...
| Link ...> to link to the tables located on the network in the back-end.
This is the "front-end"

Finally, copy the "front-end" to every PC and make sure each can "see" the
location of the "back-end" on the network.


Jeff Boyce

Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Jerry Whittle

Is the table actually in the FE or is there a little arrow next to its icon
in the database window? The arrow says that it's a linked table.

If it's now a linked table, something must have gone wrong during the split.
I highly recommend saving all copies of the current FEs and the BE to
somewhere safe. Then attempt the split again using the Database Splitter tool.

Further all users of the database must have at least read, write, and modify
privileges to the folder holding the BE database file. Not just the database
..mdb file, but the entire folder. Actually this could have been the source of
the original problem. Even so, splitting a database like you've attempted is
a good thing.


Thanks for your response to my question. I really appreciate the succint and
thorough explanaton.


Thanks, Jerry. This is so valuable! Between you and Jeff, I am on my way to
oohing and aahing my database usere. Have a wonderful day!

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