Split DB



I am an access novice and have a silly question. We have a user that split a
DB named treatment on a network shared drive. While trying to test access in
Vista, the user is getting the following error
"Y:\Treatment\Administrative\Work in
Progress\Monica\Database\Treatment_be.mdb is not a valid path"

I have read previous posts, and it has been suggested that could be that the
PC does not have access to both the FE and BE files. I am not sure as I
believe both files are on the netwk drive (Y) . There are two files on her Y
drive .. one is called Treatment.mdb and the other is called
Treatment_be.mdb. When user clicks on Treatment_be the DB opens fine,
however when the user clicks on the Treatment.mdb the message pops up.
Shouldn't the path reference the treatment.mdb file instead of the
treatment_be.mdb file instead?

The user also swears that she can access this file fine on other PCs that
are not running Vista and Access 2007. Last question is I have read that
there could be issues with relinking tables after splitting them. If user
can not open treatment.mdb, how can that be relinked with the be file?

Thanks so much for any help you can provide..


Open treatment.mdb.

Go to Tools > Database Utilities > Linked Table Manager.

You'll see where it's looking for its back end.

You might try to reconnect it to the back end table, treatment_be.mdb:

Check the box at the bottom of that window that says "Always prompt for new

Click Select All.

Click OK. You'll be prompted for the location of the back end file.

Hope this helps,



I used Windows explorer to navigate to her division drive and I see both
files listed in the root of her database folder. I can open the
treatment_be.mdb file but not the treatment.mdb file. I am confused as to
this .. unless her treatment.mdb is linked to another _be file by chance. I
can not open it to find out ..

Thanks a lot,


Is there any chance that, after the error message gets Ok'd, you can then go
to Tools > Database Utilities > Linked Table Manager, etc.?

George Nicholson

The user also swears that she can access this file fine on other PCs that
are not running Vista and Access 2007.

I'm guessing that this is going to boil down to different drive mappings
(Y:\) or user permissions on the differing OS.


FrontEnd file: Reports, queries, code, forms (the user interface)
BackEnd (be) file: Data
When user clicks on Treatment_be the DB opens fine,
That's to be expected. The be file has no need to reference anything else,
its just for data storage.

The fe file(s) link to the be file. That link provides the data that feeds
the forms, queries, reports, etc., in the fe user interface.
Mutliple fe files can link to a single be file. Usually, each user has a fe
file on their own local machine that links to a shared be file on a network.
(Note: multiple users should *not* be using the same fe file simultaneously,
its a sure path to data corruption.)
Shouldn't the path reference the treatment.mdb file instead of the
treatment_be.mdb file instead?
Nope. The fe file should be referring to the be. The problem is that it
can't find the be in the location it expects (pretty sure that "..not a
valid path.." message means exactly that, not "file exists but I can't open

To relink fe to be:
-Open the fe file.
- (You might need to hold down shift while the file opens to prevent any
startup code from running. That feature might have been disabled by the
developer however.)
-Tools>Utilities>LinkedTable manager
-Select "Always Prompt for new location"
-Click "Select All"
-Click "OK"
-Browse to the correct be file location. Click OK

The user must have full read/write/create/delete privledges to the folder
containing the be.


Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Back-end databases typically have no code in them, while the front-end
(Treatment.mdb) does. It is more than likely a problem with Vista
permissions or permissions for that user on the network. Code and the user
running it, have restricted permissions under Vista.

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