Split Directory\filename into two variables



In my macro a user selects a filename using:

With Dialogs(wdDialogFileOpen)
If .Display Then
strSourceFile = WordBasic.FilenameInfo$(.Name, 1)
End If
End With

I want to split strSourceFile into a directory part, and a filename
part. I've done this before by starting at the left most point of a
string, then backing up one character untill a backslash is found, but
I think there is probably something all ready built into VBA to do this.


Hi Bill,

Look at the functions "Instr" (left to right scan) and "InstrRev" (right to
left scan). For Instance:

J = InstrRev (strSourceFile,"\",-1,vbTextCompare)
If (J <= 0) then
-- no backslash, do something --
DirectoryPart = Left$(strSourceFile , J-1)
FileNamePart = Mid$(strSourceFile ,J+1)
End If

In the Lewft$ function change J-1 to J if you want the backslash included.
Instead of Mid$ you could also use Right$.

Jerry Bodoff


I found (mostly by luck) that by switching the number following .Name
to 5 and 3, I could pull the information I needed.


I found (mostly by luck) that by switching the number following .Name
to 5 and 3, I could pull the information I needed.

Pete Bennett

It's even easier to use FileSystemObject (you'll need to add in a reference
to Microsoft Scripting Runtime to get it to work)

Dim fso as FileSystemObject

Debug.Print fso.GetParentFolderName("c:\temp\harry.xml")
Debug.Print fso.GetFileName("c:\temp\harry.xml")

Will give you the information you need. Play with it and you'll see it's a
pretty good little file handler. It even supplies read and write functions
as well.


Hi Pete,

I have been using the FileSystemObject for a while and I did not realize
that I could do I/O with it. I am going to check it out. It is like a
friend says, "read the book when you need it".

Thanks for the tip.

Jerry Bodoff

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