split in vba



No one answered previously so i will ask again.

If the window is split rather than freeze panes, in vba the
ActiveCell.Address is misdetected as A1.

Shall I just turn of the user's abiility to split a window in the
workbook? or is there a workaround?


Jim Thomlinson

In all of my testing the activecell address was always correct whether I
split the screen, cascaded screens or used freeze panes... so I really can't
help you. Perhaps let us know which version of XL you are using and post the
code that you have. Normally you don't need the active cell for most things
you program.

Ron Rosenfeld

No one answered previously so i will ask again.

If the window is split rather than freeze panes, in vba the
ActiveCell.Address is misdetected as A1.

Shall I just turn of the user's abiility to split a window in the
workbook? or is there a workaround?


I cannot reproduce your problem.

How did you determine that you have this problem?


I replied to a response to my earlier post and so will fill in here
Using Excel 2003
I positioned a command button around column G or H and call a macro
from it, for example.

Sub chkCell()
Dim test
test = ActiveCell.Address
MsgBox (test)
End Sub

I am using the ActiveCell to determine user input and fill in content
from other sources at the appropriate row, rather than have thousands
of vlookup formulas on the sheet.
This works fine when freeze panes is set, but with windows split it
determines the ActiveCell as A1.

I at first thought it was related to the button location, and perhaps
it is related to using the form controls.
Any ideas?


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