Split name cell


Aaron Stamboulieh

I have a spreadsheet with one column that contains a list of names in the
following format:

LASTNAME, Firstname

Is it possible to automatically split this into two columns, one for
lastname, and one for firstname, using the comma as the basis of where to
make the split?

Dan E


Select your range containing the names
MAKE SURE you have an empty column to the right
From the menu "Data" -> "Text to Columns"
Choose delimited and choose comma as the delimiter

Dan E

Aaron Stamboulieh

Thanks everybody...I'm a network admin, my experience with Excel is limited.
Glad there are such helpful people around, even with such basic questions!
Much appreciated.

Aaron Stamboulieh - MCSA, A+

Charley Kyd said:
Sure. Suppose "Smith, Bill" (without the quotes) is in cell B2. You could
enter these three formulas:

In cell C2: =FIND(",",$B2)
In cell D2: =TRIM(MID($B2,$C2+1,999))
In cell E2: =LEFT($B2,$C2-1)

Here, the first formula finds the position of the **first** comma in the
name, and the other two formulas use that number to return what you want.

However, you might run into a problem if your names include something like:
Smith, Jr., Bill. In this case, you want to split using the **last** comma.
To find the position of the last comma, cell C2 needs to use a more complex


Here, we count the number of characters in B2, and subtract the number of
characters with the commas stripped out, which gives us the number of
commas. We substitute a "#" sign for that final comma, and use FIND to
return the position of that # sign.

(Other than writing a VBA function, can anyone suggest an easier way to find
the last occurrence of a character in text? This is the only method that
I've found.)

Good luck.

Charley Kyd

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