Split screen and align right facilities in Word


John Runner

Wordperfect had a very useful split screen facility. Can this be achieved in
Word, or might Microsoft consider an update?

Ditto an "align right" facility for part of a line of text. This can be
achieved in Word by using tables, aligning text as required in adjoining
cells and then hiding gridlines, but that's time consuming. Tabs are a pain
and don't always achieve perfect alignment.

I have Word XP Home Version 2002, Service pack 2

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Graham Mayor

I don't know how Woerd Perfect achieves a split screen , but you can split
the screen from the Window menu. Yoiu can also display two separate screens.
You can always save a preformatted table as an autotext or autocorrect
entry, which would give you a whole second of extra time to waste.
Tabs work fine if you set them up correctly. Use a right aligned tab at the
right margin and press shift enter to move down a line.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


When I have two documents open and want to view both at the same time, I
select "window" then "arrange all." One document is in the top half of the
screen, the other document is in the bottom half of the screen. Each has its
own vertical scroll bar.

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