Split Window capability?


Ed Faunce

With multiple notebooks, it would greatly increase productivity if a client's
notebook could show in one window, or split screen, while research material
was displayed in another window, or split screen. That would allow fast
hyperlinking of research material to specific issues for that client.

Does this capability exist? If not, any suggestions for a work around?

Ed Faunce


Thanks, but I think my setup may not allow what you suggest.

Here's what I've done and why. I have a small law firm (3 attys) which
handles cases in a niche law practice. We use our resources, cases, forms,
legal points, over and over. So, I have created notebooks to store the
various types of information. Thus, I have a notebook devoted solely to
storing copies of caselaw, another notebook has statutes, another notebook
has practice specific information on various administrative agencies, their
rules, hearing officers, etc. I then create a notebook for each client's

These notebooks are all created on the office server. I use both desktop and
tablet putes to access the files on the server. But, when I'm out of the
office, I use GoToMyPC to access the notebooks. I will take my tablet to the
office and manually sync the notebooks to the tablet.

Somehow, in reading your explanation of how to use multiple windows or split
screens, I think I have created a system which will not allow me to do what
you suggested.

Is there a better way for me to set up my notebooks. BTW the reason why I
put the notebooks on the office server is that my partners can access them
from their desktops and have access to the organization of the notebook
resources for their individual cases as well.

Ed Faunce

Erik Gulbrandsen said:
About allowing clients to see the "split screen". Do you want them to
edit the file, or just view it? Does it need to be on another computer,
or, can you use a video projector and one laptop?
let me know more about what you are looking for.

I don't think my question must have been clearly stated. Here's what I want
to do.

The hyperlinking function is what I'm trying to implement in a speedy
manner. Here's how I use it:

1. I have a section in my client file where I list the issues, both legal
and factual. I use a page for each issue.

2. I then go searching through past work stored in ON, in CaseLaw, also
stored in ON and downloads from the internet.

3. When I find a pithy quote, or a particuarly relevant piece of work, I
right click and select the hyperlink function.

4. Now, I have to find the issue which I want hyperlinked to this piece of
information, so I have to leave the page where I found the desired info and
find the issue to which it is to be hyperlinked.

5. My thought was that a split screen would allow me to quickly make the
hyperlink connection and keep going back into the research window.

So you can see that I was not trying to allow a client to view my work at
all. BUT, now that I have explained what I'm trying to do, I have a thought.
Why not use the back and forward buttons on the tool bar. I would start on
the page with the issue under consideration, then after selecting the
NoteBook or section to search for info, once that info is found, the first
hyperlink function is left on the research info and a click on the back arrow
button should return me to the issue page where I could place the remaining
part of the hyperlink.

That will probably work, but now that I have explained it in greater detail,
do you have any further suggestions?

BTW, I absolutely love ON 2007, I wish I could have had this application
decades ago. I tell all my colleages that I consider ON to be a "killer app."
Thanks for helping me with this question.

Ed Faunce

Erik Gulbrandsen said:
Now that I think I understand what you are saying, I am certain that
what you want is exactly like what I do. I have one OneNote "screen"
open where I take notes and another OneNote "screen" where I strictly
search. Here is how I do it:

1. open the page that I'm going to take notes on, or in your case, the
client file with the issues.

2. press CTRL-M (quickly navigate to another page--this is a bug)

3. Open the notebook that has the research or other topics that you are

4. press CTRL-F and enter the search parameters

5. Highlight, right click, then "copy hyperlink to this paragraph"

6. press ALT-TAB to go to the "other" OneNote screen (notice that you
have two instances of OneNote running)

7. hit CTRL-V to paste your hyperlink on your "client's issues" notebook.

8. repeat the steps 3-7.

So, if you use the ALT-TAB keyboard shortcut with CTRL-M (new window for
OneNote), you will see that OneNote DOES have a "split screen" feature...

does this help?

Thanks, I definitely got the two windows. I still have to develope some
facility but with practice I should be able to quickly hyperlink issues to

Thanks again.

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