Not easy.
Last Name is simple
Remainder of name is simple
That will work well to give you the two parts. But a name like
Smith_Jones/Mary Anne T 4
will give you lots of headaches getting the last section to break up properly.
The individual's first name is Mary Anne (including the space).
If the number part is always one digit at the very end, you could trim that
off the remainder.
IIF(Right(Remainder,1) Like "[0-9]",Left(Remainder,Len(Remainder)-1),Remainder)
Then you could take that and look for space and split the remainder based on
that space.
It would probably be best to use a custom VBA expression to return the name
parts or some regular expressions to do so.
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2010
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County