Splitting a Database



I'm trying to split a database on a network so more than
one user can work in it at a time. When I split the
database, do i put both the front-end and back-end on the
network? And only allow users to use the front-end? Will
the database automatically link itself, so all I have to
do is run the split database wizard and have people use
the fornt-end and I don't have to do anything else?

kevin Watkins

I don't believe you need to split the database unless
someone is wanting to make custom forms that you don't
want everyone to have access to. You can have multiple
users in Access but the problem comes with individuals
making there own forms and reports. That is when you need
to split the data. So that while somone is making a form
they don't hog the database from those who need to do data
entry. if this does not occur at the same time you
probably don't need to split it. Just make .MDE files for
the individuals to use to access your data and they wont
be able to make any changes to the master file.

John Vinson

I'm trying to split a database on a network so more than
one user can work in it at a time. When I split the
database, do i put both the front-end and back-end on the

No. The backend goes on a shared directory available (read, write,
delete, and create permissions) to all users. Each user gets their own
copy of the frontend.
And only allow users to use the front-end? Will
the database automatically link itself, so all I have to
do is run the split database wizard and have people use
the fornt-end and I don't have to do anything else?

It's prudent to avoid the use of mapped drive letters: one user might
find the backend database on their K drive, another on their U drive.
However, if you use Tools... Database Utilities... Linked Table
Manager and link to the backend *by navigating through Network
Neighborhood*, it will be linked to \\servername\path\database.mdb and
should be accessible equally to all users.

Access will NOT automagically relink; but there are many examples of
VBA code to check and, if necessary, relink the backend. See
http://www.mvps.org/access and search for "relink".

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