I've read all the messages about splitting a database and i have actually
completed the task; however, I have this major issue.
Our company works out of 3 different states. The database is currently
housed on a shared server, but 2 out of 3 states have different drive id's
for the server; i.e., Idaho and Montana (I:/Drive) and Utah (R:/Drive).
The split works great for the Idaho and Montana staff but the Utah staff
gets the message that the files can't be found. It's looking for them on the
I:/Drive. Is there anyway to get around this problem?
thanks in Advance
completed the task; however, I have this major issue.
Our company works out of 3 different states. The database is currently
housed on a shared server, but 2 out of 3 states have different drive id's
for the server; i.e., Idaho and Montana (I:/Drive) and Utah (R:/Drive).
The split works great for the Idaho and Montana staff but the Utah staff
gets the message that the files can't be found. It's looking for them on the
I:/Drive. Is there anyway to get around this problem?
thanks in Advance