Splitting and then Splicing PPT's


Hari Prasadh


Is there already some code available which would: -

a) SPLIT A PPT - Given a presentation, store each SLIDE as separate
powerpoint files. If such a code is available I can customise it to my
needs. Basically I would use that code and save each slide in a different
folder (called Slide1, Slide 2 etc) and file names for each of those single
slide PPT's I would give based on a list which I have in excel (or
alternatively would make an array constant in ppt VBA which can read these

I tried looking for a feature in PPT which could save the present slide as a
PPT (so that I could record a macro for point a) ) but couldnt find one.
Does PPT have an inbuilt feature for the same?

In the worst case I would resort to deleting all the files in my PPT except
first slide (using VBA) and then saving it in my way. Second step would be
delete all slides except slide2 and so on and on.

While on this topic I would like to ask about how to get a hold/pointer on a
slide. Does each slide have a unique ID? because if am going to retain only
the 73rd slide (in a PPT of 100 slides) then as am deleting rest slides one
by one my target slide number would have its ordinal number changed. Using a
counter variable I can probably keep on updating the target slide number (so
that i dont delete this slide) but is there a better method (unique slide ID

b) SPLICE different PPT's - Given different PPT files in a folder all
containing SINGLE slides only I would like to create a new Powerpoint file
having the slides in all the PPT files of that folder. If I get this then I
can customize it to my need which is to read PPT files from folders named
(slide1, slide2 etc - created in point a) above) and then the single slide
within slide1 folder would become the first slide in New PPT file and the
single slide in slide2 folder would become the second slide in the New PPT
file and so on.

I tried recording a macro for b) using Insert - Slides from files- feature
but nothing got recorded in the macro. Why?

Also some related issues with splicing. Iam using Shyam's namebox and
renaming objects on a slide. I see that it is possible for Objects on 2
DIFFERENT slides to have the same name. I just wanted to be VBA sure (??!!)
about the same, because if as mentioned in b) am going to splice slides then
it might be possible that 2 slides from different PPT's have objects which
have same name. Once shyam advised this to me "Things to remember when
referring to shape by their names: 1. Bug in PowerPoint: If you have renamed
a shape using vba, a copy/paste of that shape will create a shape with the
same......" hence wanted to be sure of any similar things to keep in mind
when doing such slide movements.

Please guide me.

Thanks a lot,

TAJ Simmons


Export Slides within a Presentation as files


Insert Slides From Multiple Presentation Files Into A Single New
Presentation File


or Better Still....
Add-ins :: Batch Exporter for Microsoft PowerPoint®

TAJ Simmons
microsoft powerpoint mvp

awesome - powerpoint backgrounds,
free powerpoint templates, tutorials, hints and tips etc

Hari Prasadh

Hi TAJ and Steve,

Thnx for the links.

Would be very useful for me

Thanks a lot,

Hari Prasadh

Hi Steve,

I have got Shyam's code for exporting slides within a PPT and I can
customize it to save it in different folders.

Importing - You said..> The macro recorder doesn't record everything and
sometimes what it records
isn't particularly good or useful code. It's handy for some things by
shouldn't be considered an authority.
Is it possible for me to get a CODE which can probably open 2 files
"Slide1.ppt" and "Slide2.PPT" from a single folder and combine them in to a
single PPT file with first slide as slide from "slide1.ppt" and second slide
as first slide from "slide2.ppt". If I may get syntax for this I can
customize it to my requirements.

Please guide me.

Thanks a lot,

Hari Prasadh

Hi Steve,

Thnx for InsertFromFile , will take it up from there.


Hari Prasadh

Hi Shyam,

Somehow the Export slides code (http://skp.mvps.org/ppt00036.htm#2) is
crashing my powerpoint (not my computer) after it creates the first file
with a single slide. I get a message dialog box saying whether I want to
recover my document and reopen PPT etc.

Also, the single slide file it creates is around 1.6 MB while the original
file having 50 slides is around 1.8 MB? What is causing it to bloat

PPT crashes after it exports the first slide as a seperate file. (crashing
happens just before block A).

I have tried this on ane more machine but with the same result.

Could you please guide me.

Thanks a lot,

Hari Prasadh


Finally, I resorted to deleting slides for exporting purposes and it worked
fine. (for exporting 50 slides as 50 different PPT's in different folders it
took close to 3 minutes).

A doubt about file size.

The split single slide PPT's usually "weigh" around 670 to 1.3 MB.

But when I splice all these files the resultant file weighs only 1.6 MB. (I
was expecting weight to be alteast 650 * 50 Kb?)

Thanks a lot,

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