Splitting cells in Excel 2007



Hello Microsoft,

I've spent about an hour on various Internet sites and discussing this in
forums. Many seem to know it's not possible, but nobody has told me why it's
not possible.

The question has been asked as far back as 1999, from what I've been seeing.

How does one split a single cell either vertically or horizontally?

I don't mean the data within the cell, but the cell itself. Many "solutions"
seem to use techniques of adding new rows or columns and doing some creative
merges to all the cells affected.

The spreadsheet I want to change has 15 columns; A - O.
Row 1 is the title of the spreadsheet.
Row 2 - 8 contain various data in all cells.
Row 9 is a blank line.
Row 10 is a total line for columns J-K and M-N.

I want to split cells horizontally in J2-8 and M2-8 so that I can take the
data in cells K2-8 and N2-8 to the top portion of the split cells. So cell J2
would be split horizontally; in the top portion is the data in cell J2 and in
the bottom portion would be K2. And so on for the other cells.

I can get this exact feature to work in Word 2007, using a table. I can
split a cell into x number of rows or columns or both.

My Excel 2007 example above pertains to a small spreadsheet, but what if I
have a spreadsheet with hundreds of rows and columns? Manually splitting
cells would be a maintenance nightmare.

I trust those I've talked with today and that's why I'm here with you. Can
you please consider making this change possible in Excel 2007 and 2010 (if
not already done in the latter)?


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David Biddulph

You can't split cells. By its nature, a spreadsheet consists of rows and
columns, and a cell is the intersection of a column and a row. [Look at the
reference of a cell to remind you of that.]
You can insert a row, or insert a column, (or you can insert a cell in such
a way that the content of the cells to the right or below will get moved
along or down), but there is no way that a cell can exist without being part
of a row and part of a column.
Word is different because it's a different application. It's a word
processor, not a spreadsheet.

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