Splitting large table



I have a table where one row is about 40 pages long, is there any way
of forcing either a row break at some point within this row, or a
table break. Basically want to split the huge row into seperate rows
or seperate tables.
The standard "insert row break" function is no good here as it inserts
a row after/before the current one, but I need to split the current
row halfway through as it is 40 pages long.
I think if this possible it must be something quite advanced as have
tried most of the obvious options, any advice appreciated to save 2
days of cutting and pasting :)

Margaret Aldis

Can you put a copy of this one row (or the offending cell) in another file,
use Convert Table to Text, insert separating characters where you want them
(if necessary) and then Convert Text to Table?


Thanks but this doesn't seem to work as "convert text to table" only
seems to be able to create rows on paragraph breaks which is not
suitable for this, do you know if it's possible to auto-create rows
based on a custom seperator character like you can do for columns?
I.e. convert text to table using seperator characters specified rather
than paragraph breaks for the rows.

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