Splitting Names into FirstName LastName


Steve McHugh

I have a sheet with 250 contact names in one column, one
name per row. I want to import them into my Palm PDA, but
that software looks for First Name and Last Name as
separate fields. Any way to split the column into two
columns to capture this information?


Ken Wright

Select all the data and do Data / Text To Columns / Delimited / Space or comma
as delimiter depending on what you have.

Steve McHugh

Thanks a lot. This worked perfectly...
-----Original Message-----
Select all the data and do Data / Text To Columns / Delimited / Space or comma
as delimiter depending on what you have.

Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 00/02/03

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It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :)
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