Splitting tables


Nat Sopelario

Can anyone help me on this, please...

I need to do two things:

First, I need to query a customers table for their last or recent recorded
address. This is for the purpose of creating a table of valid Customer
Addresses for mail merge. The source table contains multiple
transactions/records of the same customer with different transaction dates.

Second, with a table of valid (recent) Customer Addresses, I would like to
create a new Customers table - this will replace the Customer records in the
Transaction table. My question is this: In splitting the transaction table,
is it better to use the Customer ID Number or use the Transcation ID number
to link them back?

Thanks in advance.

John W. Vinson

Can anyone help me on this, please...

I need to do two things:

First, I need to query a customers table for their last or recent recorded
address. This is for the purpose of creating a table of valid Customer
Addresses for mail merge. The source table contains multiple
transactions/records of the same customer with different transaction dates.

Create a Query using a Subquery as a criterion: on the Criteria line
under the transaction date put something like

=(SELECT Max([TransactionDate]) FROM yourtable AS X WHERE X.CustomerID
= youtable.CustomerID)
Second, with a table of valid (recent) Customer Addresses, I would like to
create a new Customers table - this will replace the Customer records in the
Transaction table. My question is this: In splitting the transaction table,
is it better to use the Customer ID Number or use the Transcation ID number
to link them back?

Whoa! Are you storing the address redundantly in the Customers table
and the Transaction table? or just in one table? Just what are you
"splitting" - you were talking about updating addresses; I can't see
how "splitting" comes into it at all.

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