Splitting word document



I need to split a word document into several seperate documents.
The main document is 1076 pages, but every 2 pages is a "new" document
that I want to split out and save.

I found this code on this group:

Sub ExtractPage()
Dim i As Integer
Dim iNumPages As Integer
Dim sCurrentDoc As String

sCurrentDoc = Activedocument.name
'Get the current document's name
iNumPages = Activedocument.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticPages)
'Get the number of pages
For i = 1 To iNumPages
'For as many times as there are pages
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToPage, which:=wdGoToAbsolute, Count:=i
'Goto pagenumber i
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, name:="\Page"
'Select this page
'Copy the selection
'Add a new document
Activedocument.SaveAs FileName:="newdocument" & i
'Save the new document as "newdocument" and the value of the
counter i
'Close this new document
'Activate the document where we started from
Next i
End Sub

Problem is, I am new at this and can't figure out how I tell this that
each new document is only 2 pages..



It would be easier to work with whatever occurs on every second page, to
'cause' the new document: a section break? a heading of a given style?

One you've got that, the approach is to define a range for the section you
want, then copy that into a new document, maybe along these lines ---

Dim pSection as Word.Section

For each pSection in ActiveDocument.Sections
With Documents.Add Template:= ...
.Content.InsertAfter pSection.Range
.Saveas FileName:=....
End with

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