Spotlight Rebuild button not working



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor: Intel Email Client: pop how long does this process take? i hit the button and have waited 30min already and it is still not responding. is it supposed to show a status bar or something to let you know it's processing? i need to do this b/c the spotlight function broke after i compacted the database so any entourage searches i did turned up 0 results...wonderful.


Corentin Cras-Méneur

how long does this process take? i hit the button and have waited 30min
already and it is still not responding.

What process? the Search? It depends on how fast your Mac is and how
big the database.
is it supposed to show a status bar or something to let you know it's

i need to do this b/c the spotlight function broke after i compacted
the database so any entourage searches i did turned up 0

You can use the Preferences to reindex the database.


Corentin Cras-Méneur

What process? the Search? It depends on how fast your Mac is and how
big the database.

Sorry, I missed the fact that it was the *rebuild* button that didn't
appear to be working.
All that button does is to trigger a reindexing from Spotlight.
Entourage itself doesn't really do anything else.
Spotlight can take its own sweet little time to perform the operation
so it might be a simple matter of being patient.

It could also be that Spotlight is experiencing issues. I've seen
databases that could never be rebuilt because a specific third-party
mdimporter was making Spotlight
Look for crash logs for mds in /Library/Logs or ~/Library/Logs
The Console (filtering for mds) could tell you more too.



ok, thanks. i found another message on this topic that showed the location of the cache:


so i checked there to confirm it was working. after a while, messages started appearing in entourage's spotlight search results window so now everything is ok.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

so i checked there to confirm it was working. after a while, messages
started appearing in entourage's spotlight search results window so now
everything is ok.

I'm glad to know it's now working :)


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