spread sheet not printing correctly



I have a simple spread sheet. down, expense items. Across months. I have
totals across for annual and down for monthly. The print preview looks
perfect. When I print only the red items (-10.00) print. I don't even get
headers. I have one line of credit income. Everything else is a debit. I
have no errors shown on any colume or row computations. What am I doing
wrong? Help! I am not an accountant. Just a home user with Office 2002



Printing is sometimes a bear. Try this. Hightlight the entire area yo
want to print. Go to FILE>PRINT AREA>SET PRINT AREA. Next go t
FILE>PAGE SETUP>PAGE and on that tab are settings under "scaling"
which can force your printer to print the information from you
spreadsheet a certain size or to a certain number of pages.
You mentioned that your header row wasn't printing and I think afte
you do the first part that won't be a problem. But if you have a lot o
information that doesn't fit well on one page and you need multipl
pages and you want that header row to appear on each page, that is don
by selecting the "sheet" tab (last one on Page setup) There you will se
"Rows to repeat at top" If your headers are contained in the first ro
type in $1:$1 and this first row will be printed on all pages.


Yes all other programs are printing properly. Just Excel is having a
problem. I rebooted, checked to make sure there were no errors on the
computations. I don't understand it. I actually installed a new printer ink
for the black cartridge just in case. It didn't help.


I had already set the print area and on preview it was showing two pages for
width but one page long, so two sheets were to print. Only printed the items
that were negative in red. I moved those to the middle of the report and
tried again and that was all that printed again. I really don't understand
it. I just printedpart of an email to see if it was working and it printed
fine and showed the blue print where appropriate. I know the printer is
working. It is an i860 Canon. Anybody know of any quirks with that and
Excel. Seems I had problems with reports in MS Money as well. Maybe I
should just set all the color to black and try it.

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