Spreadsheet automatically opens as 'read-only'



I'm trying to open a shared document and edit it - I've been able to do so
previously (about a week ago), but for some reason now it automatically opens
as read only. I do not get asked if I want to (as was the case before). Also,
I do not get prompted to say that the file is open for editing by another

I have checked the properties for this file and it is not set to read only.
I am a domain admin and have full control of the file.

I was sure it was some caching issue as I've fixed it before. I've cleared
all temp files and rebooted, but it still opens as read-only...can someone
please help!

Thankyou :)


Wait until the next time you re-boot!!!!

Copy the file to another directory. Then re-name the old file and put back
the copied file to its original name.


Thanks for your reply Joel - I have tried creating a new excel spreadsheet
and putting it in that directory, however that new spreadsheet then becomes
'read-only' and I can't make changes to it!


If you copied the file into the same directory and it still has read-only
permissions then the directory is set to read only. Try copying the file to
a directory that you know has write permission to verify that there is
nothing wrong with the file. check to file permission to see that the file
is not read-only.


I tried copying the file to a different directory it worked (i.e. prompting
me if i want to open as read only). Also tried creating a file in the network
share and it automatically became read only.

So i guess this means its folder permissions. I tried opening folder
properties on the file server, and the box is ticked but sort of greyed out
for read only. It lets me tick it then press apply, but when i check again
the box is ticked/greyed out. I have checked the file properties and it is
not set to read only.


I guess if you are a Domain Adm then you don't have the correct permission to
change the directory on the server.

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