Spreadsheet constantly reverts to manual calculation mode


JR Hester

Excel XP, SP3 running on Windows XP

I have a spreadsheet that I open and update at least 4 to 5 times a day
every day. This spreadsheet is created monthgly from a template, then used
continously for teh month. A few weeks ago, I was delighted to have a new XP
system installed, replacing my old Win2K system; then these aggravations

For several days now, I have been noticing that this one spreadsheet stopped
recalculating. I checked Tools>Options>calculation and found that the calc
mode was set to manual-- I then changed it to automatic, clicked the OK
button and went on my merry way.

The next time, I opened teh sheet, it did not calculate. Sure enough the
calc mode was set to manual. After several days of this, I finally realized I
was running through this over and over. At first I thought maybe I was
forgetting teh OK button. So I ran a test today. I repeated the following
process 5 times in a row.
OPen spreadsheet, make an entry, no Autocalc
set to teh calc mode to Auto, verify that I click OK and exit properly
SAve and close the worksheet
Repeat the above steps wth identical results.

Opened the template the spreadsheet was created from, checked calc mode and
it is indeed set to automatic.

Now let me throw one more caveat in the scenario. New computer has MS Office
XP Pro installed, Old Win2k station had MS Office 2000. Offcei XP does not
include Publisher. It installed Publisher 2000 on new XP system, Yes we still
have the install rights for the earlier version. As soon as Publisher
activated, I began having trouble opening ACcess files, all databases opened
via a desktop shortcut open in a secure mode. Finally found that the shortcut
was calling Access for Windowsâ„¢, so I reset the shortcut to open Accessâ„¢ and
the shortcuts fucntion fine now.

Could this Publisher install be adversely affecting the Excel in a similar
fashion? Anyone had similar experience? Did you find a solution? Short of a
bullet through the monitor.

I have been through the listings here for Calc, recalc, Calculation mode,
and Excel resets calc mode to manual. Have found countless entries
expalaining about the mode of one sheet affecting the calc mode of next sheet
opened. But my problem has beeb verified when the only the one worksheet is
open, closed and then reopened.

I would appreciate any and all ideas and suggestions. I will be back at my
station on Monday and can test/forward ideas to our IT staff. Thanks to all
respondents in advance.


Some thoughts on your subject line ..

Perhaps it's the calc mode setting in your personal.xls?

Click Window > UnHide, unhide the personal.xls
Ensure the calc mode for personal.xls is set to automatic,
save it, then rehide it.

Don Guillett

xl sets calculation to the first workbook opened.
If all else fails use this in a workbook_open event in the ThisWorkbook

Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic

JR Hester

Thanks to all of you who responded. First thing this morning I began testing
tehories and ideas. As soon as I opened the second sheet in this workbook, I
was agahst. All cells were duplicating what had been entered on sheet 1.
little investigating revealed that somehow I had GROUPED all 5 worksheets
together. that was NOT by design. As soon as I ungrouped them, the problem
with setting calculation mode back to automatic is resolved.

I may make use iof this feature in the futire to set up multiple sheets with
same data. Live and learn!

Thanks again

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