I find some issues when inserting excel 2003 into a document with existing
text. Inserting as an 'object' demonstrates the spreadsheet, not just the
icon as I would want. The problem develops when the overall dimensions from
the 'formatting' options are used. The fonts dissapear when the size of the
image is reduced for compatibility with the surrounding text. I write to
inquire if there is a way to demonstrate a few contiguous cells in their
normal dimensions (e.g. A,B,C1-A,B,C5,). Ideally, one could click anywhere
on this section and have it enlarge to full size then toggle back. Any
guidance in this query would be appreciated greatly.
text. Inserting as an 'object' demonstrates the spreadsheet, not just the
icon as I would want. The problem develops when the overall dimensions from
the 'formatting' options are used. The fonts dissapear when the size of the
image is reduced for compatibility with the surrounding text. I write to
inquire if there is a way to demonstrate a few contiguous cells in their
normal dimensions (e.g. A,B,C1-A,B,C5,). Ideally, one could click anywhere
on this section and have it enlarge to full size then toggle back. Any
guidance in this query would be appreciated greatly.