Spreadsheet Organization



Can anyone give me some advice on a neater way to organize my spreadsheet

Here is the scenario.
I print out several different data reports. Each report contains 2 to 7
columns. The reports are printed on a monthly basis and give statistical
information. I would like to show the trends over a period of time by month.

For example, I have one report called "Enhanced System" and within that
report are 2 columns columns called Queue Length and Processes. Then I have
another report called "Performance" and that report has 3 columns called
Memory, Disk, and CPU.
Each report has only 2 records of data, one record for each server monitored.

I was going to create one column on the left with each row for a column from
the report then go horizontally with headers as months however the problem is
that I also need to know which report each row goes with. In the example I
only gave 2 reports but in truth there are 21 reports with number of
statistical columns varying.

Sept Oct Nov Dec
report1 column1
report1 column2
report2 column1
report2 column2
report2 column3

If any suggestions come to mind PLEASE let me know. Thanks.

Dave O

My suggestion is: develop a workable idea or two about the format of
the report. If it was me, I would group each individual server's info
on a single page or report so the consumer can view one server at a

But then my idea expanded to: determine just who, exactly, is the
consumer of this data, show that person your ideas, then ask for and
implement their thoughts. My idea was to show each server on a single
report, but your consumer may want to compare servers according to
Enhanced System or Performance.

As usual, don't ask for a solution without a few workable ideas in your
back pocket. If you satisfy requirements for the ultimate consumer (or
that person's boss), you look like a genius.

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