Spreadsheet takes 20 seconds to open before Workbook_Open



Hi All

I have a 4.4Mb spreadsheet with a bunch of VB code behind it. When I
open the spreadsheet it takes upwards of 20 seconds before even the
Workbook_Open event is called (I have a MsgBox on this event so I know
when my logic gets control).

What is Excel doing during this period? How can I decrease this period
or eradicate it altogether?

I dont have this problem with other spreadsheets that are much larger
and have even more VB code.

The file is on my desktop so there is no network issues. There are no
links in the spreadsheet so it is not updating.

Any ideas?


Ron de Bruin

Hi Chrisso

Empty your temp folder first

Enter: %temp%
Delete all files and filders in the temp folder
Try again


Thanks for the suggestion Ron.

I followed your advice but I am afraid that the problem persists.

I have no problem opening other much larger xls with more VB code so
maybe this suggests this is not the problem or I would see the lag with
every xls I open.

With this problematic xls when I open it, Excel springs to life and
displays "Opening <file>" in the status bar, shows a window without
actually showing anything inside of it - then about 20 -25 seconds
later my Workbook_Open event is called. Weird.

The only unusual thing about this spreadsheet is that it is always
used(and saved) by the user with a vertical split/arranged window
showing a sheet from this spreadsheet in each window. In fact, this is
what my Workbook_Open logic does when it is called.

Thanks for the idea though - much appreciated. Any other ones will also
be gratefully accepted.

BTW - I have used your Excel site in the past - it is excellent. Thanks
for publishing all that stuff.


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