spreadsheet that has birthdate without back slashes



Hi... Looking for someone to tell me how to convert my
data of BIRTHDATE on a spreadsheet from... ex.

Name B-Date
John Doe 03/24/53

switch it to look like this... per IRS!

John Doe 032453

Without having to input all the birthdates again...

Harlan Grove

oppygirl said:
Hi... Looking for someone to tell me how to convert my
data of BIRTHDATE on a spreadsheet from... ex.

Name B-Date
John Doe 03/24/53

switch it to look like this... per IRS!

John Doe 032453

If it's a date value, change the number format to mmddyy.


If 03/24/53 is in A1 and it's TEXT......you can put this formula in B1 and
copy down.......


Vaya con Dios,

Chuck, CABGx3

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