Spreadsheet too big???


John Laird

Sometime ago I built a database which uses an EXCEL spreadsheet for one of
the tables through the Link Table command. For the last year or so
everything has worked fine but now the spreadsheet has exceeded 16,383 rows.
The ACCESS table will not read any rows beyond row 16,383. The formatting in
the spreadsheet has not changed.

The only way all data is visible is when I do the following:
Open the Excel spreadsheet which holds the data;
Open Access and open the linked table.
All data visible.

BUT when I close the table (keeping Access still open), close the
spreadsheet and then reopen the table, only 16,383 rows/lines are visible.

I am using ACCESS97 and EXCEL 2000.

It seems like I have reached some sort of barrier or maximum but I don't know
if it the solution is in Excel or Access.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Douglas J. Steele

If I recall correctly, Excel 2000 increased the maximum number of rows that
could be stored.

Access 97, of course, doesn't know that...

John Laird

My company also has a few ACCESS2003 copies. I'll try in that and see if
I'll be able to "see" more rows.
Thanks for the tip.
If I recall correctly, Excel 2000 increased the maximum number of rows that
could be stored.

Access 97, of course, doesn't know that...
Sometime ago I built a database which uses an EXCEL spreadsheet for one of
the tables through the Link Table command. For the last year or so
[quoted text clipped - 18 lines]
if it the solution is in Excel or Access.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

John Laird via AccessMonster.com

I just tested ACCESS2003 and its ability to "see" beyond 18000+ rows in EXCEL
for a linked table...And it worked!!!
Now I just have to convince my company to replace ACCESS97 completely.
Thanks for the tip. It was right on.

John said:
My company also has a few ACCESS2003 copies. I'll try in that and see if
I'll be able to "see" more rows.
Thanks for the tip.
If I recall correctly, Excel 2000 increased the maximum number of rows that
could be stored.
[quoted text clipped - 6 lines]

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