If I have two different worksheets, lets say spare mechanical parts, that
list the part number in 1 column and the quantity in stock in another column.
Is there a way to bring them together so that the quantities of any
duplicate part numbers will add up? For instance if on 1 spreadsheet I have
Part# 1234 with a quantity of 5 and on the other spreadsheet I have the same
Part # 1234 but with a quantity of 10; I want to bring those together on 1
spreadsheet so that Part # 1234 has a quantity of 15.
list the part number in 1 column and the quantity in stock in another column.
Is there a way to bring them together so that the quantities of any
duplicate part numbers will add up? For instance if on 1 spreadsheet I have
Part# 1234 with a quantity of 5 and on the other spreadsheet I have the same
Part # 1234 but with a quantity of 10; I want to bring those together on 1
spreadsheet so that Part # 1234 has a quantity of 15.