


Spybots - Invisible Internet Robots

Words: 675

My old computer is about a 1998 model. It's old but it types better than the
2-year-old Dell-laptop types. Therefore, I've been using it frequently. Last
week, I had a problem storing a story titled "Accident" onto a floppy. That
bothered me and I began thinking that this computer had a big problem. I did
a defragment. There were 26 files that would not defrag. I wrote them down.
I went to the house doctor.


I scanned 13,921 files for viruses or worms. I have an anti-virus scanner
that does scan 8244 files daily. I shut the Dell down, because it does have
13,000 files on it. We do have high-speed Internet, which is on all the
time. So if the computer isn't shut down, it can be Internet accessed when
it's not on the Internet.

I scanned a second time 13,926 files. Well, I had a floppy disc with only 2
files on it one the uncorrupted version and the other had all the appearance
of a corrupted file.

This time I ran the House Doctor scan for both floppy and computer. It
scanned 13929 files with no viruses or worms.

I was deep in thought as I walked to the mailbox to see our SBC telephone
bill and a letter of entertainment. I opened the SBC bill first to see "Past
due". I was on the phone with SBC. The claim was that they do not give your
name to any communication competitors. They have no protection from Spybots
when you go to a communication site and no protection from Spybots for you
when you email your payment.

Naturally, I drove to the bank to have a live-person explain why I received
a confirmation number and the payment never made. When I entered the bank, a
nice looking, young man dressed in a gray suite was sitting inside a small,
glass-in- room. I approached, asking if he was busy, which he wasn't. So, I
processed to explain my concern about Spybots accessing my banking account.
The banker didn't know of any viruses that could do that. I shook my head,
saying, "They aren't viruses that's why they sneak by. They are Spybots that
catch the email payment going to unprotected communication companies. Once
the Spybot has your account number, it would be easier to access the banking
account. The banker marked my account, watching for Spybots. That was all
that he could do.

"Oh," I replied, "I know that. My Husband thinks that my catching 5613
Spybots would help me learn better computer skills. I thanked the man and
returned home to catch the Spybots.

I began deleting all my emails. One email was from Hubby's cousin. The email
had a cute picture and beneath the photo was a statement saying it was
scanned and contained no virus. I pressed the delete key. As the email file
was leaving, it made a cracking sound. That reminded me that I'd have to
send her a copy upon completion.

Daughter stopped to pick up her bicycle. So I told her about the 5000


At the above website you can down load Ms Anti-spyware, ad-aware, and

The Spybot, isn't that good, since the advertisement goes with the site. In
other words, if you go to some sites you get the advertisement whether you
want it or not. When I had my 1998 computer, I used to delete the
advertisement cookies. The Spybot does have a setting where it will accept
the cookies and then delete them later.

Ad-aware had a full system check. It found 69 critical objects. The ad-aware
deleted 449 objects, but it had to quarantine 1. When daughter returns, we
will both eye it for a better description.

Ms Anti-spyware was interesting. I think it caught my MSN instant messenger.
The spyware used the word "tool bar". Okay, I'm going there now to see what
the MSN tool bar looks like.

I thought that I would pass this information on, since I caught 450 Spybots
in one evening.

On September 10, 2005, I redid checking for Spybots. Yesterday's quarantined
figure was only one; I was shocked to see a 387 figure. I had picked up 16
new Spybots, which brought the Objects removed total to: 481

Object Quarantined: 387

I tried to remember how many files I had before the computer started acting
up. It was under 8000, something like 7,800. The files appear to be
duplicating themselves and it's not a virus. Example: there were 2 files in
"543KB\WINNT\shellIconcache\" yesterday that would not defragment and today
there are 2 files in "899KB\WINNT\ShellIconcache" that would not defragment.
I noticed that because I'm looking for files that would grow and not be
affected by an anti-virus.

When I mention to someone to go to a website, I don't expect that the
download would have a problem. Therefore, I'm curious as to why 2 files from
the Microsoft AntiSpyware would be listed as fragments that did not


I worked for United Aircraft in Connecticut from 1960 to 1967. I left the
Government airplane makers as a lowly Confidential Clerk. National security
was always a top priority. Now 45 years later politicians have passed laws
to give saboteurs equal rights. I feel that Microsoft should inform Raytheon
about the corrupt AntiSpyware. The download was placed on a pen clip and had
already been used on Raytheon's computers. The corrupt downloads are
something that we should all be concerned about. It was called National
Security in the 1960. Politicians only know what it's called now.

Larry Linson

Google for Spybot Search and Destroy. It's free, and has an "innoculate"
feature that will keep some spyware from getting in to your computer. And,
it coexists nicely with the Ad-Aware that you apparently already have. You
need multiple programs to protect; nobody gets it all. And, a more recent
OS, on which you normally run without adminstrator privileges is a big help,

That said, this newsgroup is for questions and answers about Microsoft
Access database software. I am sure there are microsoft.public newsgroups
dealing with security where you'd get a better discussion of these issues.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

Larry Linson

Google for Spybot Search and Destroy. It's free, and has an "innoculate"
feature that will keep some spyware from getting in to your computer. And,
it coexists nicely with the Ad-Aware that you apparently already have. You
need multiple programs to protect; nobody gets it all. And, a more recent
OS, on which you normally run without adminstrator privileges is a big help,

That said, this newsgroup is for questions and answers about Microsoft
Access database software. I am sure there are microsoft.public newsgroups
dealing with security where you'd get a better discussion of these issues.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP


Thank you Larry
After I had discussed the banking problem that spybots
could cause and the banker marked my account, I then
called Southern Bell. I was surprised that a communication
company did nothing to guard a customer's information
from Spyware thieves.
I did go to Ad-ware and with the first scan I had found
Objects removed total: 481
Objects Quarantined: 387

I do have a security log on this computer and it has
2 fragments that will not defragment for a lKB file.
I also have a few files that are multipling and not being

I can't seem to find the microsoft site or newsgroup
that would explain or describe why a file would
multiply when I'm not using the file.
Thank you again


Fly Delta

Written by computer alias names Rita, Rit, Ri, Billieo and Twodar. My
favorite was Twodar. The name was chosen because of a retired lad who didn't
pronounce $2 correctly, he would hold up his hand with two fingers in clear
view, saying, "Two dollars worth, please".

Last night September 11, 2005 Sunday, I couldn't see how the Spybots were
sabotaging the download on my computers. I knew that it had something to do
with the new version of Microsoft. I had three high alerts, one from
Microsoft automatic download, Dick Silk from the alt.dream newsgroup and
David V from the talk.philosophy.humanism newsgroup. I entered the two
newsgroups to inform the replies that they each had a High Alert spyware
attachment. I had no idea how to contact Microsoft. I saw on Microsoft
website that they had a newsgroup, so I went to that name. I could tell that
the Microsoft person answering questions was trying to fluff me off. I had
no other places to go, except to 30 newsgroups, mostly political to warn
them about the Microsoft automatic download.

I decided to take a spacey walk, with my spacey blaster gun, to the Spybots
playground. I was shooting in Larry's direction, but I was aiming at the
Blaster Worm that was standing to Larry's right. The Blaster beam hit the
Worm, and all the spacey robots could hear the crunch. The invisible robots
momentarily creased to play. I was surprised that they all looked my way.
God said that I could only have two shots, and the second one was at the W
Worm. The Washington D.C. shot was more fun than the Blaster Worm. The W
Worm also crunched.

After I knew that Larry had a High Alert, I thought that God was going to
protect me, so I placed two of Larry's replies back to back. My computer
crashed. I came tumbling down from my spacey walk through the ground to the
center of Earth. I don't know how I became afloat in the Adriatic Sea, but
when I saw the land, I knew that it was Italy.

I remember that I had written to the USP people in Italy for the Adriamycin
antibiotic patent date. The date was prior to 1968 and patented in Italy.
The other Adriamycin antibiotic was patent in Africa in 1968, so when the
Italians purchased the second Adriamycin, they then had two antibiotics with
one name.

It's always been known that the sun and the moon effected the oceans tide.
Sabotage has always been taking place in the USA, dating back to Benedict
Arnold. A computer specialist could sabotage many USA places ranging from
Airplanes to banking, yes and even produced tidal waves like the Tsunami. I
believe that the saboteurs would have to have an abundance of political
help, which they probably do. The political saboteurs turned my Blind Anger
into Raging Blind Anger. I started walking across the Atlantic, saying God's
name backwards, "Dog, Dog, sick-um and sick-um."

When I could see the White House, God said "Stop, and change your tune."

I remember the theme was "Give me antibiotic treatment rights or give me
death." I quickly changed my tune to "Delta Dawn". My steps moved in the
direction of the White House and to all USA Congress people, singing, "Delta
Dawn, what's that flower you have on?" A flower representing, "We all have
our own cross to bear." Do you know how many times I have said, "God told me
to do this?" I really don't have a problem with death, itself. To die to
Saboteurs with Congress people protecting the saboteur's human rights and
then to leave the poor people like me without the simple better antibiotic
choice. I believe that there are other people living in the USA who also don
't want to die to the USA saboteurs, and that thought cheers me up enough to
be happy, singing the second verse, "Could it be a faded rose from days gone
by? And did I hear to say he was a-meetin' you here today to take you to his
mansion in the sky-eye?"

When you look into God's eye, you know why you're standing in the Atlanta.
My daughter will be on a plane soon, flying over the Atlanta. If that plane
crashes, I will curse you USA Congress people with every breath I take, so
back to the song.

"She's thirty-two and her daddy still calls 'er "baby

All the folks 'round Brownsville say she's crazy

'cause she walks downtown with her suitcase in her hand

Lookin' for a mysterious dark-haired man."

Let me guess, you want to know what daughter did Sunday, while I was
scanning all the new Spyware files, Defragment, Norton Anti-virus, and Trend
Anti-virus, looking for start figure in order to notice any uncalled for
changes. Daughter stopped to see if I would dog sit, while she rode her
black 2003 Yamaha 650, which is about 500 pounds. She hasn't rode the
motorcycle in several months. I asked, "Where are you going?"

"Just riding around with my biker friends."

I gave her a hug, saying, "We worry about you baby. Did you know that Jimmy
(a few houses down) has a Harley? He rides with a bigger gang that yours.
When Jimmy saw your Yamaha, he said that you were welcome to join his
motorcycle gang anytime. Daughter used to ride with Christy. Little Christy
had a 1000-pound Yamaha, which she dropped once. It took four men to help
her pick it up. Christy's dad was a Yamaha dealer and she didn't want him to
see any scratches on her new bike. Christy quit (a Raytheon associate) job
so that she could go to Africa to learn Compassion. Recently Christy passed
her first worm, which upset her. So which is better the living in a third
world country, knowing that modern medicine isn't available, or living in a
modern country where medical liars keep simple worm medicine from the

"Delta Dawn, what's that flower you have on?

Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?"

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