Ben Howard
My OLAP cube times out on a fairly regular basis when modifying the time
dimenstion when it is used as a filter (ie selecting different periods etc).
The AS services (msdmsrv.exe) begins to max out the processor and uses over
1.3GB of RAM. The OWC pivot table times out and the whole server becomes
sluggish. The only was is to recycle msdmsrv.exe. Anyone seen this before
or got any good ideas as where to look to fix it (eg anything in the CU
dimenstion when it is used as a filter (ie selecting different periods etc).
The AS services (msdmsrv.exe) begins to max out the processor and uses over
1.3GB of RAM. The OWC pivot table times out and the whole server becomes
sluggish. The only was is to recycle msdmsrv.exe. Anyone seen this before
or got any good ideas as where to look to fix it (eg anything in the CU