SQL datetime date range query from datepickers --sample code



Date Range from DateTime SQL column in VB.NET, converted from Joel
Alley's original C#
Not cleaned up, but works.
Might have minor errors since I didn't run exhaustive testing on it.
Painful finding all the gotchas. The 'order by' bug took me a while to
figure out --took pasting in Enterprise Manager to spot the problem.

EventType:=InfoPathEventType.OnClick)> _
Public Sub QueryToEdit_OnClick(ByVal e As DocActionEvent)
' thisXDocument.View.SwitchView("Data")
Dim oldCommand As String
Dim whereClause As String
Dim queryFieldNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim curQueryFieldAttribute As IXMLDOMNode
Dim queryFieldAttributes As IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap
Dim adapter As ADOAdapter
adapter = thisXDocument.QueryAdapter

queryFieldNode =

'The QueryFields are empty.
If (whereClause = Nothing) Then whereClause = String.Empty
'save orig
oldCommand = adapter.Command

'modify query
Dim myDateFields As IXMLDOMNode =
Dim strStartDate =
Dim strEndDate =
Dim strSQLQuery, strReport_Date As String
Dim strOrderBy As String
Dim ModOldCommand As String = oldCommand

If strStartDate <> "" And strEndDate <> "" Then
If whereClause = String.Empty Then
whereClause = " WHERE (Report_Date >= '" &
CStr(CDate(strStartDate)) & " 00:00:00 AM') AND (Report_Date <= '" &
CStr(CDate(strEndDate)) & " 12:59:59 PM')"
'Need to remove Order by section
Dim intBadStart As Integer
If ModOldCommand.IndexOf("order by") <> -1 Then
intBadStart = ModOldCommand.IndexOf("order by")
Dim intBadEnd As Integer = ModOldCommand.Length
Dim intBadLength As Integer = (intBadEnd -
strOrderBy = ModOldCommand.Substring(intBadStart,
ModOldCommand = ModOldCommand.Remove(intBadStart,
End If
End If
End If
If (whereClause <> "") Then
adapter.Command = ModOldCommand & whereClause & " " &
& whereClause, 1)
' Clear the QueryFields so the WHERE clause isn't
' automatically generated.
' If you do tho, you can't select other query fields!!!
queryFieldAttributes = queryFieldNode.attributes
curQueryFieldAttribute = queryFieldAttributes.nextNode()
While Not (curQueryFieldAttribute Is Nothing)
'curQueryFieldAttribute.text = "" 'prevents other
fields if uncommented
curQueryFieldAttribute = queryFieldAttributes.nextNode()
End While
End If
' Perform the query.
Catch ex As Exception
thisXDocument.UI.Alert("Failed to query.\n\n" + ex.Message)
End Try
' Reset the command so that subsequent queries are based on
' the correct SQL command text string.
adapter.Command = oldCommand
End Sub

Franck Dauché

Hi Rick,

Thanks for taking the time to share with the community!

Franck Dauché


No problem, been looking for how to do that since InfoPath shipped.
And I really hate jscript samples, and C# is nice for programmers, but
not for less technical users.

CORRECTION: (records on end date not showing up)
whereClause = " WHERE (Report_Date >= '" &
CStr(CDate(strStartDate)) & " 00:00:00 AM') AND (Report_Date <= '" &
CStr(CDate(strEndDate)) & " 12:59:59 PM')"

SHOULD BE: (24hr time needed)
whereClause = " WHERE (Report_Date >= '" &
CStr(CDate(strStartDate)) & " 00:00:00') AND (Report_Date <= '" &
CStr(CDate(strEndDate)) & " 23:59:59')"

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