SQL help - update query to select one duplicate each




I need help with the SQL for an update query. The underlying query that
i want to update has duplicate records (shown below), by Fund Name
field, but all other data is different, including the Date field.
Included is a Yes/No checkbox field. I need to run an update query that
will select the "older" record by Date for each duplicate.

Sample query to be updated:

ID Fund Name Date Remove?
1 Fund16 3/20/2006 (checkbox)
2 Fund16 4/20/2006 (checkbox)
3 Fund21 3/20/2006 (checkbox)
4 Fund21 4/20/2006 (checkbox)
5 Fund35 3/20/2006 (checkbox)
6 Fund35 4/20/2006 (checkbox)

I want to have the Update Query select only records 1,3 and 5 by
updating the "Remove?" field to TRUE.

The SQL that i have SO FAR (shown below) is only set up to set ALL
records to TRUE. I dont really know the syntax well enough to modify it
to my needs. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!!

UPDATE [Duplicate Fund Name (same Proxy)] SET [Duplicate Fund Name
(same Proxy)].[Yes/No] = True
WHERE ((([Duplicate Fund Name (same Proxy)].[Yes/No])=False));



SELECT [Fund Name], [Date]
FROM Table1 AS T1
GROUP BY T1.[Fund Name], T1.[Date]
HAVING T1.[Date] = (SELECT Max(T2.[Date]) FROM Table1 AS T2
WHERE T1.[Fund Name] = T2.[Fund Name])


Actually, I shouldnt have posted my earlier query just yet. But, create a
query like the one I posted (Query1). Then create another query which is the
update query, as follows.

UPDATE Table1 SET [Remove] = -1
WHERE [Date] In(SELECT [Date] FROM Query1 WHERE [Date] = Table1.[Date] And
[Fund Name] = Table1.[Fund Name])

JonWayn said:
SELECT [Fund Name], [Date]
FROM Table1 AS T1
GROUP BY T1.[Fund Name], T1.[Date]
HAVING T1.[Date] = (SELECT Max(T2.[Date]) FROM Table1 AS T2
WHERE T1.[Fund Name] = T2.[Fund Name])


I need help with the SQL for an update query. The underlying query that
i want to update has duplicate records (shown below), by Fund Name
field, but all other data is different, including the Date field.
Included is a Yes/No checkbox field. I need to run an update query that
will select the "older" record by Date for each duplicate.

Sample query to be updated:

ID Fund Name Date Remove?
1 Fund16 3/20/2006 (checkbox)
2 Fund16 4/20/2006 (checkbox)
3 Fund21 3/20/2006 (checkbox)
4 Fund21 4/20/2006 (checkbox)
5 Fund35 3/20/2006 (checkbox)
6 Fund35 4/20/2006 (checkbox)

I want to have the Update Query select only records 1,3 and 5 by
updating the "Remove?" field to TRUE.

The SQL that i have SO FAR (shown below) is only set up to set ALL
records to TRUE. I dont really know the syntax well enough to modify it
to my needs. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!!

UPDATE [Duplicate Fund Name (same Proxy)] SET [Duplicate Fund Name
(same Proxy)].[Yes/No] = True
WHERE ((([Duplicate Fund Name (same Proxy)].[Yes/No])=False));



Hi JonWayn.

Thanks for the SQL. Now i have a query to extract the older of the two
duplicates. But I still need to update all of those selected in this
query to TRUE in the checkbox. An update query doesn't not work anymore
because the query is a totals query and it's "not updateable".

How do i work around this?



I am not quite sure I understand what you need to do now. But, if you want to
do the inverse of what you asked earlier, which is; update [Remove] to TRUE
where the Date for each duplicate pair is older, then all you had to do in
the first place was to update [Remove] to TRUE for all records.

If you needed, instead, to update [Remove] to FALSE for older dupes, then,
update all records to false, first, and then run the two queries I suggested
earlier - that would update the newer dates to TRUE, leaving the older
(anything else) as FLASE.

If you were asking something else, please rephrase.


Actually, you answered my question and my form seems to be working well
in that respect now. Thanks! I just have to work through my other
issues now :p

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