SQL in Report Caption


KC Classic

I have a simple Access report captioned "ARK252 Balancing" that is currently
e-mailed manually on a daily basis. Under the current process, we would
export the report in .rtf format and rename manually using the most recent
date in the [SS DATE] field in one of the tables. For example, the report
Caption currently reads "ARK252 Balancing 06202007.rtf".

I have used the SendObject action in a macro to generate and attach the
report to the e-mail recipients in the .rtf format automatically to eliminate
this manual process. Can the Caption of the report (which I have learned
flows through to the report title generated in Access) incorporate the most
recent date from the [SS DATE] field f? If so, can someone provide an
example of the SQL required to make this happen?

Any suggestion are greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

KC Classic


If I understand your request (...and I'm not sure I do...) :

In your Report in design view you can add an unbound text box and define
it's control property to be =Date()

When the Report opens it would show the current date in that box.

KC Classic

Thanks for your response and my apologies if my request is unclear. What I
am interested in doing is having the date prefill from a date field in my
table in the "Caption" property of an Access report. I know a small bit of
SQL but cannot seem to make that happen. I am able to make the date show on
the report now. That is not the issue.

My end goal would be to have the report Caption read "ARK252 Balancing
06202007.rtf". Then tomorrow, the report Caption would read "ARK252
Balancing 06212007.rtf" and so on each successive day. This caption would
show in the report attachement in the e-mail generated by the SendObject

Any other suggestions?

NetworkTrade said:
If I understand your request (...and I'm not sure I do...) :

In your Report in design view you can add an unbound text box and define
it's control property to be =Date()

When the Report opens it would show the current date in that box.

KC Classic said:
I have a simple Access report captioned "ARK252 Balancing" that is currently
e-mailed manually on a daily basis. Under the current process, we would
export the report in .rtf format and rename manually using the most recent
date in the [SS DATE] field in one of the tables. For example, the report
Caption currently reads "ARK252 Balancing 06202007.rtf".

I have used the SendObject action in a macro to generate and attach the
report to the e-mail recipients in the .rtf format automatically to eliminate
this manual process. Can the Caption of the report (which I have learned
flows through to the report title generated in Access) incorporate the most
recent date from the [SS DATE] field f? If so, can someone provide an
example of the SQL required to make this happen?

Any suggestion are greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

KC Classic


off hand I do not know how to do that since I never have had the need to do
it before.

it is definitely not an SQL question - it is VBA

I would re-submit a new question in the Reports area asking how to
dynamically change the report name and surely someone has done that before
and will give you an answer...

sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

KC Classic said:
Thanks for your response and my apologies if my request is unclear. What I
am interested in doing is having the date prefill from a date field in my
table in the "Caption" property of an Access report. I know a small bit of
SQL but cannot seem to make that happen. I am able to make the date show on
the report now. That is not the issue.

My end goal would be to have the report Caption read "ARK252 Balancing
06202007.rtf". Then tomorrow, the report Caption would read "ARK252
Balancing 06212007.rtf" and so on each successive day. This caption would
show in the report attachement in the e-mail generated by the SendObject

Any other suggestions?

NetworkTrade said:
If I understand your request (...and I'm not sure I do...) :

In your Report in design view you can add an unbound text box and define
it's control property to be =Date()

When the Report opens it would show the current date in that box.

KC Classic said:
I have a simple Access report captioned "ARK252 Balancing" that is currently
e-mailed manually on a daily basis. Under the current process, we would
export the report in .rtf format and rename manually using the most recent
date in the [SS DATE] field in one of the tables. For example, the report
Caption currently reads "ARK252 Balancing 06202007.rtf".

I have used the SendObject action in a macro to generate and attach the
report to the e-mail recipients in the .rtf format automatically to eliminate
this manual process. Can the Caption of the report (which I have learned
flows through to the report title generated in Access) incorporate the most
recent date from the [SS DATE] field f? If so, can someone provide an
example of the SQL required to make this happen?

Any suggestion are greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

KC Classic

KC Classic

Thanks NTC,

Since I know very little VBA - your reply makes perfect sense. I will
repost under the Report section.

Thanks for responding.

KC Classic

NetworkTrade said:
off hand I do not know how to do that since I never have had the need to do
it before.

it is definitely not an SQL question - it is VBA

I would re-submit a new question in the Reports area asking how to
dynamically change the report name and surely someone has done that before
and will give you an answer...

sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

KC Classic said:
Thanks for your response and my apologies if my request is unclear. What I
am interested in doing is having the date prefill from a date field in my
table in the "Caption" property of an Access report. I know a small bit of
SQL but cannot seem to make that happen. I am able to make the date show on
the report now. That is not the issue.

My end goal would be to have the report Caption read "ARK252 Balancing
06202007.rtf". Then tomorrow, the report Caption would read "ARK252
Balancing 06212007.rtf" and so on each successive day. This caption would
show in the report attachement in the e-mail generated by the SendObject

Any other suggestions?

NetworkTrade said:
If I understand your request (...and I'm not sure I do...) :

In your Report in design view you can add an unbound text box and define
it's control property to be =Date()

When the Report opens it would show the current date in that box.


I have a simple Access report captioned "ARK252 Balancing" that is currently
e-mailed manually on a daily basis. Under the current process, we would
export the report in .rtf format and rename manually using the most recent
date in the [SS DATE] field in one of the tables. For example, the report
Caption currently reads "ARK252 Balancing 06202007.rtf".

I have used the SendObject action in a macro to generate and attach the
report to the e-mail recipients in the .rtf format automatically to eliminate
this manual process. Can the Caption of the report (which I have learned
flows through to the report title generated in Access) incorporate the most
recent date from the [SS DATE] field f? If so, can someone provide an
example of the SQL required to make this happen?

Any suggestion are greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

KC Classic

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