sql issue



The dates in a text field are all 6 characters long,e.g., 060107, 1019/07.
060505, etc. Some dates also appear as 000OCT, 000AUG, 000SEP, etc.

I'm trying use sql code to extract records from a database. The code is as

vSQL = "SELECT [CUST],[SOURCE],[DEPT] from [Current] WHERE [CUST] = '" &
CSTMR & "'AND ([DATE] <= '" & DateVar & "' AND mid([DATE],1,3) <> '" &
DateVar1 & "')"

CSTMR = "9999"
DateVar = "010107"
DateVar1 = "000"

I'm trying to extract the records that are older than 01/01/07 but am not
having much luck. I thought it would work if the DATE field was all 6
characters long but I'm not finding that to be true.

In Excel "080705" is less than "080707" but I can't extract these same
records with the sql statement. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks......


When you say you're not having much luck, what does that mean? Does it
run but pull the wrong records (or no records), or does it generate a
specific error?

I've only used SQL from Excel a few times, but one note I'd have is
that T-SQL doesn't recognize MID as a string function. You use
SUBSTRING in the same way, though.

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