Does anyone know of a resource for learning to implement dynamic SQL Queries
with VBA? I have tried a few times to manipulate the SQL string but it seems
to be very sensitive and it is slow going figuring out what pieces I am
Basically I am looking to develop a method to allow the user to select from
a set of "And" statements then concatenate the SQL parts to result into the
finished CommandText string.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"ODBC;DSN=Database;UID=;PWD=;SERVER=data.com", _
..CommandText = Array("")
..Name = "Query"
with VBA? I have tried a few times to manipulate the SQL string but it seems
to be very sensitive and it is slow going figuring out what pieces I am
Basically I am looking to develop a method to allow the user to select from
a set of "And" statements then concatenate the SQL parts to result into the
finished CommandText string.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"ODBC;DSN=Database;UID=;PWD=;SERVER=data.com", _
..CommandText = Array("")
..Name = "Query"