sql problem



i have an update querry that should pull number out of a string.the strings
are standardized(same). i thought it would be good to pull out the start
position of the nummber and the end position of the number.

here is the code for start position:

Public Function isPocetakBroja(ByVal IngFactor As String) As Long

Dim pocetakBroja, krajBroja, drugipocetakBroja As Long
'assumes that the FactorSum value is a number, and is a Long Integer.
Select Case Left(IngFactor, 8)
Case Is = "dov. zal"
pocetakBroja = InStr(10, IngFactor, "dana (", vbTextCompare) + 6
drugipocetakBroja = InStr(10, IngFactor, "dana (>", vbTextCompare) + 7
If drugipocetakBroja > pocetakBroja Then
isPocetakBroja = Right(Left(IngFactor, krajBroja), drugipocetakBroja)
isPocetakBroja = Right(Left(IngFactor, krajBroja), pocetakBroja)
End If
Case Is = "dovoljno"
pocetakBroja = InStr(5, IngFactor, "no (", vbTextCompare) + 4
drugipocetakBroja = InStr(5, IngFactor, "no (>", vbTextCompare) + 5
If drugipocetakBroja > pocetakBroja Then
isPocetakBroja = Right(Left(IngFactor, krajBroja), drugipocetakBroja)
isPocetakBroja = Right(Left(IngFactor, krajBroja), pocetakBroja)
'...here is type mismatch
End If
Case Is = "sti¾e da"
isPocetakBroja = 5
Case Else 'use this if you need a default for records outside of all
isPocetakBroja = 999
End Select

End Function

the strings look like:

dovoljno (4 kom), poslije vi¹e ne.
sti¾e za 14 dana
dovoljno (11 kom)
dovoljno (>100 kom)

but i get a erron saying :
run time error 13

type mismatch

in line 20

where is the problem

how to solve it?


John Nurick

Your code is much less difficult to read if you indent it properly.
Other comments below refer to the lines marked with <<<<

Public Function isPocetakBroja(ByVal IngFactor As String) As Long
Dim pocetakBroja, krajBroja, drugipocetakBroja As Long '<<<<1
'assumes that the FactorSum value is a number, and is a Long Integer.

Select Case Left(IngFactor, 8)
Case Is = "dov. zal"
pocetakBroja = InStr(10, IngFactor, "dana (", vbTextCompare) + 6
drugipocetakBroja = InStr(10, IngFactor, _
"dana (>", vbTextCompare) + 7
If drugipocetakBroja > pocetakBroja Then
isPocetakBroja = Right(Left(IngFactor, krajBroja), _
drugipocetakBroja) '<<<<2
isPocetakBroja = Right(Left(IngFactor, krajBroja), pocetakBroja)
End If
Case Is = "dovoljno"
pocetakBroja = InStr(5, IngFactor, "no (", vbTextCompare) + 4
drugipocetakBroja = InStr(5, IngFactor, _
"no (>", vbTextCompare) + 5
If drugipocetakBroja > pocetakBroja Then
isPocetakBroja = Right(Left(IngFactor, krajBroja), _
isPocetakBroja = Right(Left(IngFactor, krajBroja), pocetakBroja)
'...here is type mismatch
End If
Case Is = "sti¾e da"
isPocetakBroja = 5
Case Else 'use this if you need a default for records outside of all
isPocetakBroja = 999
End Select
End Function

1) This line
Dim pocetakBroja, krajBroja, drugipocetakBroja As Long
declares pocetakBroja and krajBroja as Variants and only
drugipocetakBroja as a Long, which is probably not what you intend.

2) In this line and several others, the assignment to isPocetakBroja
requires a Long but you are are using Right(), which is a
string-handling function. So the first thing to do is exclude the
possibility that the "Right(Left())" expression is returning a string
that does not represent a number. When the code breaks, click Debug,
open the Immediate pane, type
? Right(Left(IngFactor, krajBroja), pocetakBroja)
and hit Enter. If the result is not a valid number, either your code
isn't quite right or your data isn't quite as you expect.


nokia3650 said:
i have an update querry that should pull number out of a string.the strings
are standardized(same). i thought it would be good to pull out the start
position of the nummber and the end position of the number.

here is the code for start position:

Public Function isPocetakBroja(ByVal IngFactor As String) As Long

Dim pocetakBroja, krajBroja, drugipocetakBroja As Long
'assumes that the FactorSum value is a number, and is a Long Integer.
Select Case Left(IngFactor, 8)
Case Is = "dov. zal"
pocetakBroja = InStr(10, IngFactor, "dana (", vbTextCompare) + 6
drugipocetakBroja = InStr(10, IngFactor, "dana (>", vbTextCompare) + 7
If drugipocetakBroja > pocetakBroja Then
isPocetakBroja = Right(Left(IngFactor, krajBroja), drugipocetakBroja)
isPocetakBroja = Right(Left(IngFactor, krajBroja), pocetakBroja)
End If
Case Is = "dovoljno"
pocetakBroja = InStr(5, IngFactor, "no (", vbTextCompare) + 4
drugipocetakBroja = InStr(5, IngFactor, "no (>", vbTextCompare) + 5
If drugipocetakBroja > pocetakBroja Then
isPocetakBroja = Right(Left(IngFactor, krajBroja), drugipocetakBroja)
isPocetakBroja = Right(Left(IngFactor, krajBroja), pocetakBroja)
'...here is type mismatch
End If
Case Is = "sti¾e da"
isPocetakBroja = 5
Case Else 'use this if you need a default for records outside of all
isPocetakBroja = 999
End Select

End Function

the strings look like:

dovoljno (4 kom), poslije vi¹e ne.
sti¾e za 14 dana
dovoljno (11 kom)
dovoljno (>100 kom)

but i get a erron saying :
run time error 13

type mismatch

in line 20

where is the problem

how to solve it?


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