Hi Guys,
The statement below when using SQL.request ( on excel
cells and not VBA) works fine. It returns all the data ,
1) However, now I want to GROUP BY TerrCode and not as now
where it repeats the terrcode each time,I just cannot do
it . Pls help
2) Also the Date returns 37626 , looks award , how can I
give the real date format of 5/01/2003 as type
DSN=MS Access
riverId=281;FIL=MS Access
="SELECT DISTINCT TerrCode,Category_Code, Salevalue2003,
Category_Name, Territory FROM S12003DataRama WHERE (Date
5/01/2003 10/01/2003 <<Parameter Type in A6 and B6
The statement below when using SQL.request ( on excel
cells and not VBA) works fine. It returns all the data ,
1) However, now I want to GROUP BY TerrCode and not as now
where it repeats the terrcode each time,I just cannot do
it . Pls help
2) Also the Date returns 37626 , looks award , how can I
give the real date format of 5/01/2003 as type
DSN=MS Access
riverId=281;FIL=MS Access
="SELECT DISTINCT TerrCode,Category_Code, Salevalue2003,
Category_Name, Territory FROM S12003DataRama WHERE (Date
"&A6&") AND (Date < "&B6&")"
5/01/2003 10/01/2003 <<Parameter Type in A6 and B6