SQL Scripts


Gopinath R

Hello All,

I'm a SQLServer person and was asked to work on an Access project.

In the project, we are supposed to do two things :

[1] Convert the Database from Access 2 to Access 2003
[2] Migrate the Access 2 from the Old Data Model (Old database(s)) to the
New Data Model (a single DB).

Since we have to move the data from the Old Data Model (Access 2) to the
New Data Model, we decided
to not use the Access 2 upgrade tool and instead write a script that would
pull data from the Access 2 (Old DM)
and insert into Access 2003 (New DM).

In SQLServer, I would script the logic, in T-SQL, and run it from a batch
file. But I dont know how to do this
in Access since I have never worked in Access before. Also, the script needs
to be executed (deployed) at 200
sites as well.

Would anyone know how to do this ?


Van T. Dinh

Acces leans on creating Tables through the interface rather than SQL
Scripts. Thus, there is no facility for you to create JET SQL scripts from
existing Tables. I believe there are some 3rd-part Add-Ins that claim to
create JET SQL scripts to create JET Tables, etc ...

OTOH, if you are more familiar with MS-SQL Server, you can use the MSDE with
Access as the Front-End. This way, you will be able to use your knowledge
of the MS SQL Server.

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