sql server..ADP need to show a photo



I have a sql server 2000 database that was converted from
access. I have a field that collected a ole photo. Like a
personnel directory with personal info and a photo. The
conversion changed all the oles to binary and I cant have
a unbound frame in adp to show the photo for each record.

I have tried adding a new field that has a hyperlink to a
photo and put the link on the adp. when the link is
clicked, a whole new web page opens with a small photo.

Is there any way to either 1. show the photo on the main
page for each record, or 2. make a small pop up page
(just about the size of the photo) that displays the
photo from each record???

The table is [PersonInfo] with [record number] primary
key and a [Photos] field (varchar with hyperlink) or the
old [Photo] (image with binary data)

Thank you for the help


Steve Jorgensen

It sounds as if you ran an upsizing wizerd to convert to SQL Server, and it
used the wrong data type in the conversion. Try creating the field yourself
as a long binary, and using an insert or update query to copy the field. An
OLE control bound to a SQL Sever long binary field should work just the same
as an OLE field in an MDB without having to jump through any extra hoops.


Yeah i ran the wizard. I've tried to do a dts thru sql
server and get that column, but for some reason I have
NEVER been able to connect to a access db. It says the
obdc is not connected or that I dont have permission. I
made the database and Its got a user level security. Ive
copied the db and removed all the security and it still
gives me the error. Ive tried exporting the table and it
cant connect to sql server. I have a sql server back end
for a current access project with 2 daps on it and i get
the info from sql.

For some reason I cant link,export or do anything with
access.mdb Any suggestions on how to write the update
from a access db to a sql server db??? Ive renamed some
of the fields to make the queries easier, but the photo
fields are the same. I did add a new Pictures field
with binary. I did not see long binary.

Thanks for the help


--Original Message-----

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