SQL Server Compact Edition?


Steve Mahon

Can Access 2007 work with SQL Server 2005 Compect Edition as the local data
data store?

I'm planning an Access 2007 Runtime FrontEnd with SQL Server 2005 BackEnd
that I need to distribute to outside salespeople, who will be occasionally
connected. I've looked at vb.net 2008 and like Ocassonall Connected
Applicaiton model, but all my experience is within Access, and I need to get
this up an running soon. Up to now, all the work I've done has been in
Access2K using DAO.

I had been planning to deploy with SQL Server Express on the clients and
Sync via Merge Replication. This is all definately stretching my skills and
experience, but I've played with some of the walk-throughs and I think it
will work for me.

I would really appreciate any suggestions.

Sylvain Lafontaine

In my opinion (but I never tried it), ADP shouldn't work with the CE
edition. However, in SQL-Server 2005, the merge replication over a web
service has been extended from the CE edition of SQL-Server 2000 to all
editions of SQL-Server 2005 so you don't have to use exclusively the CE any
longer on the client side if you want to use the merge replication over a
web service and you should be fine using SQL-Server Express 2005 for your
purposes. However, don't forget that only the Enterprise Edition ($$$) can
be used as the central server (on the server side) for this purpose. See
http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=659523&rl=1 .

For the Ocasional Connected Model, I never used it but two weeks ago, MS has
released a new model for syncing over the internet:


Steve Mahon

Thanks for the quick response Sylvia. I saw the OCA announcment and
downloaded VS2008 Trial and work through the samples. I considered developing
this applicaiton in .net, but I need to get something up and running too soon
for me to learn it.

We are running SBS2003R2 Premium. I plan for the clients to first connect
using the SBS Conneciton Manager, which I believe is a VPN Conneciton, in
order to merge using window sync. It will not be huge amounts of data after
the initial snapshot, which I plan to do connected to the lan.

Am I correct in understanding that this will NOT reqiure Enterprise?

Does Access 2007 Access Project Runtime + SQL Express + Merge Replication
seem like a good approach?

I plan to develop while connected directly to the Main Sql Server, then
create the publications and subscriptions, then Deploy an Access RunTime
Application. Clients will connect the SBS Network via LAN or VPN and sync
whenever they like.

Sylvain Lafontaine

To my limited knowledge, you are correct, the Enterprise edition is only
required if you plan to use the merge replication over a web service and the
SBS2003R2 Premium can be used for the other types of replication. However,
if you want a definite answer to your questions about replication and SBS,
you should post to a newsgroup dedicated to replication or to SBS; where you
will find peoples more knowledgeable than me.

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