SQL Server Connection




I've created a form connected to a table in a SQL Server database. When
someone besides myself uses the form they receive a warning message to the
effect that their userid/password is being used to access the data.

Basically, I created 3 forms (to test various connection options).
1. Form one the user gets a message saying they don't have permission to
access the database (this is a dsn connection).
2. Form two I setup as an odc connection and didn't save the password with
the connection. The user is asked for the SQL Server password.
3. Form three I setup as an odc connection and saved the password with the
connection. The user receives the message mentioned above.

How should I be setting up connection so that the user doesn't receive a
dialog box or warning message?

I'm trying to setup my InfoPath form with a generic SQL Server user but I'm
guessing what I really need to do is setup a SQL Server user and add all the
users that use this form to this SQL Server user and use Windows
Authentication instead of SQL Server Authentication.

Help on this would be really appreciated! Thanks!

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