SQL Server logon changed to Local System Account - what to do to get PWA access to work again



When installing SPS 2003 to use the same SQL Server 2K server that was
already in use by (a newly installed) Project Server 2003 and its WSS, I
discovered that the account that had been specified for Logon for both SQL
Server and for SQL Server agent was a domain account that had a
non-permanent password.

Not a good idea in the long run, so I changed it in both cases to Local
System account and ran IISRESET

I also had discovered that both .NET Framework 2.0 and ASP.NET 2.0 had been
installed on that SQL Server 2K. Nobody responsible for this server knew why
so I removed those too (as SPS 2003 doesn't like ASP.NET 2.0 - typically on
its own server).

(I was having problems with the SPS 2003 installation and trying to remove
any contributing factors on the SQL Server machine where the problems lay.)

However now the customer can't login to PWA and hasn't be able to since mid
afternoon yesterday. (Thus knocking out the re-boot of the SQL Server server
a couple of hours *later* as a reason.)

(and the time this problem started is such that it's most likely to be the
time the Local System Account was specified but also might be when ASP.NET
2.0 and .NET Framework 2.0 were removed. I wasn't told of the problem at the
time - only this morning - so I can't allocate it to one of those two things
for sure.)

Does anyone have any idea from the above what the problem might be and how
to fix it ?



Further info:

The message I am seeing (not in English) as soon as I go to
http://servername/ProjectServer (before specifying name and password) is
something like "Project can't sign you in this time, because it can't
connect to the SQL Server database. Try again later or contact the Project
Server administrator (5001)"

If anyone could supply the correct text in English, I might have a better
change Googling for it ... I hate people who use non-English language server
software (and this is a major reason for that).



Thanks to KB article 324835, I now have the correct English text which is

"Microsoft Project was unable to log you on at this time because the
Microsoft Project Server database cannot be accessed. Please try again later
or check with your Microsoft Project Server administration. (5001) "

That KB article says that the passwords for the MSProjectUser and
MSProjectServerUser SQL Server accounts (or the accounts performing those
roles) do not match the accounts stored in the registry.

1. I have not amended any existing accounts in the SQL Server machine.

2. Accounts on SQL Server don't have these names, how can I tell which of
the accounts on SQL Server perform the roles ?



Ignore for now.

I seem to have found the KB articles I need (and will post a correction to
one of them to Microsoft!)


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